La Linea

La Linea  - 4th March 2020

We were on our way to Ibagué, a large town on the far side of the central cordillera, a journey that involved climbing over a high mountain pass and dropping down the far side. It began well enough with a fast and level tarmac road but soon we were in a convoy of very large trucks climbing up to the pass at La Linea. An additional and important factor in the difficulty of the journey was the frequent road works which reduced the road to a single lane. The waits often lasted half an hour. But eventually we arrived at La Linea where we parked in a lay-by and had a rather good picnic lunch.
 There was a track a few metres from the lay-by which climbed slowly round the side of the mountain which Manuel assured us offered some interesting birds. 

Stunning views of the Andes at La Linea

Andean Pygmy-Owl  -  We had previously heard this species but this was our only sighting.
The species is only found from Western Venezuela to NW Peru.

Mountain Avocetbill  -  A Scarce Andean hummingbird that is found from Colombia into Ecuador 
with a small population in Peru.  Out only sighting.

Butterfly sp.

Other birds seen at La Linea included : Swallow-tailed Kite, Plumbeous Kite, White-rumped Hawk, Bare-eyed Pigeon, Empress Brilliant, Black-capped Tyrannulet, Black-chested Jay, Golden-crowned Tanager, Golden-hooded T, Silver-throated T, Blue-backed Conebill and Pale-naped Brush-finch

We then rejoined the convoy and travelled rather more rapidly as it was downhill and eventually reached the city of Ibagué after dark. We were to spend two nights in the ultra modern, strangely named Hotel F25.

The hotel was in the centre of the city, which turned out to be clean, modern and lively. We ate at a nearby Mexican restaurant where we had a good meal.

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