
Bolombo Dry Forest  -  26th February 2020

Today involved a long drive to Manizales with a stop midway at the Bolombolo Forest which, as it is a dry forest in the Cauca Valley, should provide a different set of birds to those we had seen so far.

There was heavy traffic and many road works but at one of the stops we saw a pair of Spectacled Parrotlets at a nest-hole right by the road. We managed several close-up photos of these very obliging birds. 

The track through the forest began by yet another road works but it soon became quiet as we walked away from the road. A Jet Antbird flew across the track and there were flycatchers - Ochre-bellied, Sepia-capped, Slaty-capped and Apical Flycatchers and Slate-headed Tody-flycatcher.

Also seen during the day were Scarlet-fronted Parakeet, Streak-headed Woodcreeper, Buff-throated Saltator, Black-striped Sparrow and Thick-billed Euphonia.

With many hours spent driving and the fact that many of the birds we did see were distant or in poor light means that there are not too many photos on this page (but the Cerulean Warbler made up for that)!

Spectacled Parrotlet -  Seen from our vehicle while we were in a traffic queue! 

We stopped and found a pair at a nest hole apart 2 metres above ground level and on a busy road!

On the return to our vehicle and just before we reached the road, we saw a small bird fly into a tree by the track. It was a Cerulean Warbler, the only one we saw on the trip.

Cerulean Warbler - An uncommon species in Colombia and we were fortunate to get excellent and prolonged views of this smart individual as it fed under the canopy of this tree.

Cerulean Warbler

Cerulean Warbler

A very short video of the Cerulean Warbler

We arrived in Manizales late afternoon and had time to wander up the road and look around some shops.  It was pretty much like any European city with smart looking shops and lots of people around. We spent the night in the very comfortable Varuna Hotel in Manizales and had a very nice meal in the hotel restaurant.

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